Sunday, January 11, 2009

A big start to a new year

So the end of last year was quite busy for me. Lots of parties with lots of new friends, frustrating times and absolutely wonderful times. Now we're into the new year and I have started on a 'Whole self wellness' kick. I plan to sort myself out in every way possible. From every small thought to my tiny toe.

I have finally accepted my depression for what it is and have sought out help with the support of friends and family (family being Pat). I am now on anti-depressants (reboxatine) and am seeing a psychologist regularly as well as regular check-ups with my GP. After my initial GP visit late last year I am feeling much better about myself. I now know that I CAN get better and live life happier within myself which not only will benefit my relationship with myself, but also those of the people around me, especially my daughter.

I am also trying to eat better. Less snacking on junk and more healthy foods. I now have breakfast every morning with Vanessa and try to take my dog for a walk daily. I hope to get back into my hour long walks each morning as I really did enjoy them but got a bit slack. I haven't been too bad snack-wise but I have my moments where I will eat a block of chocolate late at night.

I was thinking of maybe putting up a before photo... kinda scared to do it even though I am a self confessed cam whore but most of the shots are of my face. When I get a chance I will ask Pat to take one of me at my worst so I can post it up. I think it would be good for me to do so. Help me in my progress of whole self wellness.

My Life Laid Out

A few helpful sites for the education, help and awareness of depression:
Beyond Blue: The National Depression Initiative
Black Dog Insitute: The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and Bipolar Disorder.


JimBob51 said...

Hi Jess - a great blog and I look forward to following your progress. I have found Blogging very beneficial in the fight against depression, you can fix it no problems and when you feel meh the JimBob always available for a chat.

Gordie said...

I like the sound of your big start. Depression is a heck of a thing to live with, and in my case, it was a difficult choice to prefer to live without it.

These days, I tend to monitor myself with the question: "How would I be handling this right now, if I wasn't looking for an opportunity to hate myself?" I find it makes a difference.

Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

Hiya and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us this way. I appreciate it.

I've been battling various levels of depression for years. I'm really glad you're facing it and thinking positively about addressing it. Go for it. Finding some of the 'triggers' that start you off on a downward spiral are good to recognise too... tho sometimes they're not as easy to discover as you'd think. But yeah... by avoiding certain situations, or certain reactions to situations, can really help you begin to control "the black dog".

Thanks for sharing your journey with us :)

Cyalayta Mal :)