Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New healthy beginning

I have now decided to get off my fat arse and do something about my weight. I'm what you might call overweight but not obese. As I am 5'1" its slightly easier to see when I've got a few extra pounds sitting on me. One thing I want to focus on is my lower body. I'm quite happy with the upper half and suprisingly I don't mind my "schmacko" arms.

It all started when a friend started the 100 Pushups Challenge. I thought I may as well give it a go, and Pat is going to do it with me (although he gets to start on week 3). I'll also be doing alot of walking. Vanessa's kindy is just around the corner and I walk her there and back every day so I thought why not continue? And that's exactly what I did this morning. I went for a nice brisk 1 hour walk along a creek that's near here. It felt good and I'm even thinking of going again this afternoon.

I also get my dog over from Melbourne this weekend and she, being a Labrador cross Akita, needs alot of walking so she will motivate me to keep it up as well. It's only been a day and I already feel really good within myself. And i already eat fairly decent so only need to make one or two changes like drink more water and less soft drink. I'm already a housework freak which also burns the calories, and I know a bit about exercise from when I had a personal trainer for a year. Every little bit counts.

* Park as far from the shop door as possible for that extra bit of walking.
* Walk to the shops when possible.
* Use public transport more often.
* Use the stairs instead of the escalator/elevator.
* Having a cup of green tea in the morning boosts your metabolism.
* Drink at least 1-2 litres of water a day.
* Do sit-ups, push-ups, squats etc in front of the tv instead of sitting on the couch
* Walk the dog.
* Take the kids to the park on weekends.
* Play a casual sport on weekends (cricket/footy with friends)
* In summer spend time at the beach swimming or walking along the shore.

Now to see if I can follow my own advice :) I will be posting up a before shot and my measurements soon.


Monnie said...

Hey sunshine,

Like I said the tablets I grabbed from the health food store seemed to have helped! Which is excellent, I haven't seen a decline in my weight for months now :)

Take one of those before every meal, and start to replace meals with protein shakes (or if you feel hungry) and that helps heaps.

I'm restarting the challenge on Monday, as I've been away, but I hope to power through december WOOT!