Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Hunting Begins

Vanessa is in Kindy, house is organised, everything is settled so time to get a job. I am pretty flexible in what sort of job I will go for. But this doesn't mean that this will be easy. I have Retail and Hospitality experience so first thing that pops into ones head is "There are heaps of those jobs out there, no problem". Here's the problem, I can't be in a job with extended periods of time around food due to my skin allergies, and I only have limited times I can work due to Vanessa. This cuts the available jobs for me down to a small handful.

I have had one interview since I started looking two weeks ago, and it seemed promising. This was last Thursday and the manager said she'd give me a call by Friday. Whether this meant the next day or Friday week I don't know as I have yet to hear from her. I also had a phone call about distributing free Lindt chocolates at shopping centres and as much as I would have LOVED the job the hours were incompatible with my availabilities.

So I am now back on job search sites in the hope that I can find something, anything. I have thought about getting a cleaning job but the hours most cleaners do are after hours. I have applied for various admin/receptionist jobs and been knocked back or didn't hear from them at all. I have also applied for sales assistant jobs and not heard anything.

So I will be printing out some resumes this week (about 30 or so) so I can do the shopping centre drop offs for Christmas casual jobs. Here's hoping I hear from at least one of those.

Here are a few sites I have been looking at: