Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Life is a rollercoaster

Life's a bitch and then you die.

Why is it that when we seem to be heading in the right direction and getting ahead and things seem to be looking up.... life rears its ugly head and bites us in the arse yet again!!!

Makes you wonder what you have done in a past life to deserve alot of the stuff that happens everyday. Its not what you have done... Life is Crap!!

What brought this about you may ask. Well just as we thought we were getting ahead with money, a few extras popped their head in so we come out into no treats not even a $2 chocolate bar mode. Lets all give a great big sigh.

That is all


MsAngel said...

You guys will get to where you wanna be, just hang in there. Yes, life is a rollercoaster and none of us like 'the downs' but its all a part of it. Before you know it, you will be having one of 'the ups' and all will be good again :)
Don't forget, we luv's ya xx

Monnie said...

Bummer :(

I know what that's like, don't worry you'll come out on top. You just moved into a new place, I thought you guys might be tight with cash for a couple of months until the connection fees and stuff die down. You'll make it through. Try not to get upset about it as hard as it is, plus you can always come and visit me when I'm home and rock out to guitar hero xxxx

Jess said...

*hugs* thx girls :) yeah we knew we'd be tight and it is hard and we knew that too lol it does get you down tho lol but with friends like you who can stay down for long? :D xx

Shelley Heath said...

I think when times are tough you have to concentrate on all the good things that you do have and not dwell on the negative. I know easier said than done.
Things will improve it is only a temporary bump in the road.

Unknown said...

Yep, life's like that. Like when I got my tax return, and on the same day an electric bill for *more*. Grrr! Kind like someone up there is laughing at you.

But it's only money, material stuff is unimportant, and it's friendship that matters.

Be happy kid. You have a wonderful life ahead of you.

Jess said...

lol steve you got "don't worry be happy" in my head now :)

dooo do do dodo dobedobedobedo.. dont worry... dobedobedobedoo.. behappy doobedobedoooo dont worry be happy now :P